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Instagram: @gtrimble_photo


About Me

As a kid, I fondly remember looking through books that my mom had from her days as an art therapy major. There were two in particular that I returned to often. The first was a compilation of photography by Alfred Stieglitz, while the second was an extensive collection of Henri Matisse’s paintings, drawings, sculptures, and cutouts. I see those books as prescient and emblematic of certain transcendental principles that had been woven into my homeschool diet. One that consisted of daily scriptures, and rosary beads, to the works of Thomas Aquinas and encyclicals—making the typical K-12 Catholic schools anemic in comparison.

Despite navigating the confines of a small liberal arts college with an oppressively conservative student life, serendipity led me to Hannah. Surprisingly, we shared artistic interests, and embarked on a creative journey together. That girlfriend is now my wife and mother to our four kids, marking an evolutionary and enlightening experience in my photography. Eventually I branched out to working with others, but this relationship became a critical piece of my artistic puzzle.

While I have distanced myself from religion, doctrines, and dogmas, I acknowledge certain enduring ontological threads that laid a path for my creative process. Playing with and deviating from this foundation has served as a jumping off point and has cut across many other disciplines, some of which include philosophy, physics, theory of computation, mathematics, history, aesthetics, etc. Admittedly, I’m not an expert in any of these, but when you’re chasing a problem you hardly notice when you cross superficial boarders. Whatever rabbit I’m hounding has become increasingly abstract. The hope is that my work provides instantiated snippets of my conjectures, and, in the end, something insightful shows itself.
